Jakarta, 18 December 2019

Located in the STIP Jakarta Auditorium building, Ir. Umiyatun Hayati, M.Sc, as Ka. BPSDM Transportation led and witnessed the greeting of the STIP Principal, from Capt. Marihot Simanjuntak, MM, as the old STIP Principal and was replaced by Amiruddin, MM, as the new STIP Chair.

In his remarks, the Head of BPSDM Transportation conveyed “Thanks to Capt. Marihot Simanjuntak, MM who have succeeded and colored STIP with the spirit of change and togetherness, so that in his leadership STIP was able to achieve various achievements including the achievement of BLU results far above the set targets.

On the other hand Head of BPSDM also welcomed and congratulated joining Amiruddin, MM, as the new Principal of STIP and hopefully his presence will make STIP more victorious in the Maritime World arena.

Head of BPSDM also added “STIP is the oldest Maritime education and training institute among Maritime education and training like a family so STIP is a sister and naturally if STIP will continue to be a benchmark for the progress of other Maritime UPTs under the auspices of BPSDM Transportation. So let’s jointly hold hands together hands to support and strengthen each other so that one with the other will build closer cooperation and achieve superior quality human resources and can compete abroad “. On this occasion Head of BPSDM Transportation, accompanied by several officials in the BPSDM environment and invited guests, including Dr. Anthon Sihombing, MM, as the CAAIP Advisor, M. Popik Montanasyah as Secretary of the PSDM Transportation Agency, Ir. I Nyoman Sukayadnya, MM as the Head of the Research and Development Center.

Witnessed the signing of the handover of positions and the fact of the integrity of structural officials in the newly inaugurated STIP Jakarta, including:

1. Indriati, S.E., MM as Head of Office

2. Capt. Muhammad Syafril Sunusi, M.Pd., MM as Head of Sub Department of Finance & Staffing

3. Damoyanto Purba, S.SiT., M.Pd as Head of Financial Affairs Section

4. Dr. Winarto, S.ST., MH as Head of Section. RT & Public Relation

5. Riyanto, M.Pd as Head of Sub Department of Education PKN