Jakarta, 24 September 2019

Located in the STIP Maritime Room, Jakarta, the Chairperson of the Sailing School of Science (STIP) received a visit from several guests including KSOP Sitete, KSOP Dumai and Kadishub Meranti Regency. At this meeting a discussion was held regarding DPM collaboration between STIP and some of these institutions.

In his remarks the Chairperson of STIP really appreciated the response given by each KSOP and hoped that the DPM cooperation that had been going well so far, could continue and run better and smoothly. This is because DPM is one of the President’s Nawacita to be able to improve the welfare of the Indonesian people, especially the fishermen community. Because with this DPM program we can provide knowledge and training to fishermen to understand the basis of safety and security when when sailing or on board.

At the end of the DPM meeting and discussion, the event closed with the signing of the MOU between STIP and the Sitete KSOP, as well as the delivery of 287 Seafarers’ skills certificates (DPM KLM) to the Meranti Regency community from the STIP Chairperson Capt. Marihot Simanjuntak, MM and received directly by the Head of the Transportation Department (Kadishub) Meranti Islands Regency Dr.H.Aready SE, M.Sc.