(16/07) Tuesday 16 July 2019 Representative of STIP Jakarta Dr. Ir. Desamen Simatupang, MM became the resource person for Lecturer Functional Position Socialization, Credit Score Assessment and Institutional Organization in Banten Poltekpel Environment, this is related to the change in Institution from Balai to Polytechnic in Banten Shipping Polytechnic. The socialization was held starting at 10:00 WIB in the Auditorium building of the Banten Poltekpel.
The team from STIP who also attended this socialization was
-Drs. Brenhard Mangatur Tampubolon, M. Si,
-Bihaqi, M. M. Tr., M. Mar. E
-Hotman Old CH. P., S.Si.T., M.M.
-Antony Damanik, S. E.
-Dr. Ir. Desamen Simatupang, MM
-Nafi Almuzani, M. Mtr
-Dr. Larsen Barasa, SE., M. Mtr
-Boy Laksmana, SE
At the end of this activity Banten Poltekpel Director Joni Turiska, S.T, M. Si, M. Mar. E expressed his gratitude to all the teams who were willing to attend the socialization activity.