Jakarta 10 September 2019

Representing the Principal of STIP, Dr. April Gunawan Malau, S,Si., MM, as the Head of the STIP Research and Community Service Center (Kapus P3M), symbolically handed over 427 seafaring skills certificates to the Community Empowerment Training (DPM) program, to participants from the Marunda KSOP area.

The symbolic certificate handover was received directly by Mr. Sugandi as a representative of KSOP Marunda.

The certificates that were submitted were the DPM program for the period 28 June to.d. 8 August 2019, consisting of KLM BST certificates and SKK30 Miles.

In addition to being attended by representatives from Marunda KSOP, the activities carried out at the Cadet Lounge were also attended by several STIP officials including, Markus Yando Manurung, S.Si.T, Imam Fachrudin and others.