Jakarta, 21 September 2019.

Welcome back to Bumi Marunda To Candidates for Youths in STIP Jakarta Nurseries and Regular Patterns to continue the activities of the orientation period at the STIP campus. After completing MADATUKAR activities at PUSDIKES TNI AD Jakarta for Regular Pattern Cadets who arrive first at the Jakarta STIP Campus at 11.00 WIB and at BP3KSDMT for Nursery Pattern Candidates who arrive at the STIP Jakarta Campus at 19.00 WIB.

The cadets get off the bus then they form the line in front of the gate to check the number of members, the number of members has been confirmed to be complete Candidates for cadets ready to enter the campus area with a report beginning to the guard officers who are on duty on that day. Then prospective cadets gather in the field Stars for the implementation of the ceremony and closed with the appearance of yyel-yyel from Candidate Cadets who have been taught in their respective MADATUKAR places.

The welcoming ceremony was completed then the Candidates of the Youth went to the Dormitory.

Build a good korsa soul for the progress of STIP Jakarta, even though the MADATUKAR implementation in a different place will still be Candidates for Youth and Taruni Nursery and Regular Patterns are one, namely STIP Cadets.

Keep spirit cadet candidates of STIP.