Jakarta, 11 February 2020

Community Empowerment Training which is a government program, in the form of providing certified skills training free of charge and intended for people who are unable to aim to improve their standard of living, towards leading and advanced Indonesian HR. STIP Jakarta as one of the education and training institutions (Diklat) under BPSDM Transportation, is an institution that already has international certification, especially in the field of shipping.

Related to the above 2020, Amiruddin. MM, as the Principal of STIP, built synergy and cooperation (MOU) between STIP Jakarta and several related institutions to improve the quality of DPM 2020 implementation.

The activity carried out in the STIP Maritime Room was attended by KSOPs and leaders from each institution as participants of DPM STIP. These institutions are:
1. KSOP class IV Marunda (Iwan Sumantri).
2. KSOP class IV Muara Angke (Anggiat Douglas Silitonga, S.SiT, M.MTr).
3. KSOP class IV Thousand Islands (Hanif Kartika Yudha, S. Sos, M.Mtr).
4. KSOP class IV Probolinggo (Capt. Subuh Fakkurochman, SE, M.Mar)
5. Principal of Vocational High School 2 Ketapang (Erni, SP, M.MPd)

In his remarks the Principal of STIP said “As Indonesian people we must unite and work together, by working together so that they can be an introduction to the progress of the nation as targeted by the President of Indonesia, by increasing human resources and the welfare of the Indonesian people, by providing the widest possible opportunity to our community who are less able so that they can all live prosperously and properly. “