Jakarta, 18 November 2019

Today, Poltekpel of  Malahayati Aceh, represented by Akhmad Kasan Gufron, as Vice First I and the entourage arrived at STIP Jakarta were welcomed by the STIP Jakarta Business Development Kadiv, STIP Jakarta Quality Assurance Office, STIP Jakarta Chairperson and several structural / functional officials.

Located in the 1st Floor Meeting Room, this visit discusses the presentation of material related to SPI and SPMI.

Presentation of SPMI material on quality policy documents, quality manual documents, quality standard documents and form documents and attachments to BAN PT Regulation No. 59 of 2018 concerning Guidelines for LED Arrangement, LKPT, and APT Instrument Rating Matrix by the Quality Assurance Agency.

Presentation of SPI material regarding laws and regulations that serve as a reference for SPI in its duties, audits, review of financial statements, monitoring the follow-up of supervision results, and monitoring budget oversight in accordance with Decree of the Minister of Transportation No. KM 144 in 2019 and SOP by the Chairperson of SPI.