Kumai, Kota Waringin Barat 28 Oktober 2019

Drs. Tengku ALisyahbana, M.Sc. as Assistant 1 Regent of West Waringin City and accompanied by Ir.Robinson, MM, as the coordinator of the STIP DPM team for Kumai and Capt. Wahyu Prihanto, S.SiT, M.MTr, M.Mar as Head of Syahbandar and Port Authority (KSOP) Kumai Harbor, officially opened the Community Empowerment Training (DPM) activity to XXXIII for the Kumai District. West Waringin City, Central Kalimantan.

The activity which lasted for 12 days, starting from 28 October to 10 November 2019, was carried out in the Swiss Bell area of ??West Waringin City and was attended by around 300 people with learning programs consisting of BST, AFF, SAT, and SKK 60 Miles.

In his remarks Assistant 1 Regent of the City of West Waringin said “representing the Regent and the people of the city of West Waringin expressed his highest gratitude and appreciation to the Ministry of Transportation, especially the Head of Transportation BPSDM who has sent a team of trainers and teachers from STIP. Also for the opportunity and willingness for both the first time carrying out DPM activities for the people of the City of West Waringin and we as local government and all Muspida felt the great benefits of this DPM training, this can be seen from the reduction in accidents that occur in shipping traffic in our region.

And of course, this DPM program has also helped us in alleviating the number of unemployed people in the West Waringin City area.

In his speech the Chairperson of STIP Jakarta, read by Ir.Robinson said “this DPM program is a state mandate entrusted to STIP Jakarta and we are very happy to be able to carry it out again in the West Waringin City area especially Kumai area.

We advise all participants to take this DPM seriously and follow all the rules that are determined, because only with seriousness together, we can succeed this activity so that it runs smoothly and well according to our expectations. “