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Thursday, 19 September 2024

Vision, Mission and Objectives

In carrying out its main tasks and functions, STIP has set the Vision, Mission and Objectives as follows:


Being an international shipping education institution that produces professional shipping human resources.


  1. Improving the delivery of education for mastery of international-standard cruise science competencies based on modern methodologies and information technology;
  2. Improving the implementation of scientific research and community service for the development of the shipping industry;
  3. Increasing the formation of attitudes, leadership, mental and moral as well as students’ welfare to meet the quality of the shipping industry’s human resources;
  4. Build and maintain facilities and infrastructure as well as educational facilities in accordance with the development of science and technology and art;
  5. Improvement of transparent and accountable education administration governance based on integrated management systems.


  1. Improving the quality of education to produce graduates who have knowledge, expertise and international standard skills and meet applicable requirements;
  2. Increasing the number and quality of research in the shipping family of science for the development of knowledge that is beneficial to the shipping industry and increasing community service activities;
  3. Improve the fostering of good mental and moral leadership attitudes as well as physical excellence which is concerned with safety, security, efficiency in accordance with the development of science, technology and arts and meeting the demands of needs;
  4. Improving educational facilities and infrastructure as well as attitude formation facilities in an effective, efficient manner in accordance with the development of science, technology and arts as well as meeting the demands of needs;
  5. Improving the quality management system for implementing transparent and accountable organizational governance and carrying out continuous development.


STIP is committed to establishing, maintaining and reviewing anti-bribery policies that:

  • Prohibiting bribery
  • Requires compliance with anti-bribery laws and regulations applicable to STIP
  • In accordance with the purpose of STIP
  • Provides a framework for setting, reviewing and achieving anti-bribery goals
  • Includes a commitment to meet the requirements of an anti-bribery management system
  • Encourage increased awareness in good faith, or on a basis of reasonable belief, without fear of retaliation
  • Including a commitment to the continuous improvement of the anti-bribery management system
  • Describe the authority and independence of the anti-bribery compliance function
  • Explain the consequences of not complying with the anti-bribery policy


  1. Producing graduates in the shipping field who have international standard competencies.
    Produce scientific research and community service that is beneficial for the development of the shipping industry.
  2. Producing graduates with industrial character, integrity, and love for the country.
  3. Having facilities and infrastructure as well as modern educational facilities and always following the development of the shipping industry.
  4. The achievement of a transparent and accountable education administration and financial governance system.