JAKARTA, August 20, 2019. Head of P3M (Center for Research and Community Service) Dr. April Gunawan, S.Si, MM representing the head of STIP Jakarta Capt. Marihot Simanjuntak, MM officially opened the Community Empowerment Training XXI Muara Baru activity, in order to provide knowledge to the public about maritime science, Mr. April hoped that professional HR Muara Baru would be ready to prepare work in the Maritime Industry and be able to open up employment opportunities in the midst of the current economic difficulties, located in the North Jakarta Nizam Zachman Ocean Fisheries Port Hall. Attending the event, Sunda Kelapa KSOP Chief Mr Ridwan Saniago, Head of Ocean Fisheries Port Nizam Zachman Mr Rahmat Irawan, Api, MM, Ditpolair Polda Metro Jaya, which was represented by Mr. AKP Novian along with the ranks, as well as 268 participants of Community Empowerment training from Muara Baru. Mr. April Gunawan Malau, Mr. Ri dwan Saniago, Mr. Rahmat Irawan, Mr. Novian to the representatives of the Muara Baru community empowerment training participants.
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