Jakarta 15 July 2019

Located in the STIP Auditorium building, Capt. Marihot Simanjuntak, MM, and accompanied by several structural and functional officials of STIP, led the position handover activities and signed the facts of the integrity of new officials in STIP.
The official inaugurated today is, Arif Hidayat, S. Pel, MM as an old official as P3M Research Secretary appointed as Head of the STIP Character Building Center, replacing Capt. Irfan Fauzon, MM, who was transferred to Sorong Poktekpel, while the position of P3M research Secretary at content by Imam Fachruddin, S SI, M, Si. Previously served in the STIP real work practice (PKN / Prola) section.

In his remarks the head of STIP said, “In an organization or institution a shift or mutation is common or normal, and this aims to better implement the organization and provide new experience, and to the old officials I thank you for all the dedication and dedication and dedication that has been in give and hopefully all positive programs that have been carried out by old officials can be continued by subsequent officials, and finally in closing I say congratulations on duty and hopefully STIP is more victorious “.
After the remarks from the Chairperson of STIP, the activity ended with a prayer reading.