Jakarta, 19 November 2019

The Amirullah STIP Jakarta Library held a seminar “ANTI PLAGIARISM” which was held in the AVA  room of STIP Jakarta.

The seminar was opened by April Gunawan Malau, S.SI., M.M as the Head of the Center for Research and Community Service. He said that he could make good use of the time during the seminar so that “anti-plagiarism” could be applied in the STIP Jakarta environment.

Attended by Pasis, Lecturers, and Taruna / i semester VII STIP Jakarta.

This event also presented a guest speaker from UIN Syarif Hidayattullah namely Ulpah Andayani, M.Pd. In the seminar that took place this morning he shared his experience and knowledge about duplicating someone’s scientific work or what might be called plagiarism.

Plagiarism is an act of dishonesty and violates the applicable code of ethics. Mrs. Ulpah Andayani, M.Pd also gave directions to Youth to always implement this anti-plagiarism. Plagiarism is an act of intellectual harassment and fraud in the world of education. The crime will obviously run if the cadets of STIP Jakarta commit plagiarism in the preparation of their scientific papers because plagiarism is the same as stealing other people’s copyrights.