Pontianak, 24 February 2020

Located in the Office of the West Kalimantan Regional Government Education and Training Agency, AL Laesa dri, SH, as the Regional Secretary of the Prov. West Kalimantan and accompanied by Drs. Sugianto, MM, as representing the Chairperson of STIP Jakarta, officially opened the STIP VI Community Empowerment Training (DPM) activity in 2020.

And in his remarks the Secretary of West Kalimantan said “Thank you to the Head of Transportation BPSDM and STIP Jakarta, who have been present in the province of West Kalimantan, particularly the city of Pontianak, in order to provide education and training for Pontianak boys and girls related to the safety and security of working in the maritime sector.

And for all the participants, I would like to follow this activity with full discipline, follow all the rules set, this is a golden opportunity for all younger siblings, because not everyone can get the same opportunity. “

While the Chairperson of STIP in his remarks read by Drs. Sugianto, MM, said, “DPM is one of the government programs in an effort to improve and promote community empowerment, by providing education and training for the community, especially for the people of Pontianak, who have reliable HR potential so that the results of this training can later make capital in the world of work “.

STIP DPM batch VI, which was held in the city of Pontianak was attended by 96 participants coming from SMK 9 Pontianak and the program consisted of BST, AFF and SAT training.