Selat Panjang Meranti 21 Oktober 2019.

Indonesia, which is an archipelago that runs from Sabang to Merauke and is united by the sea.

Because of the location of these islands, a means of connecting transportation is needed, one of which is a boat or traditional ships that serve inter-island crossings.

Seeing the importance of transportation facilities for the needs of this community, skills and understanding of governance are needed in operating these vessels and for this through BPSDM Transportation by assigning the STIP Jakarta Community Empowerment Training (DPM) team, the Government is present by providing safety education and training for the crew the ship.

The training, which consists of BST, AFF, and SAT, will last for 14 days from 21 October to 3 November 2019.

Representing the Chairperson of STIP Jakarta, Drs. Tigor Siagian MM, as the Chairperson of the Jakarta DPM STIP Coordinator in the Meranti Islands for the Selat Panjang region officially opened the DPM activities for the elayan community in the Meranti Islands region, and was followed by around 400 communities in the region.

And this activity is a collaboration between STIP Jakarta and KSOP Class IV Selat Panjang and KSOP Class I Dumai.

In a speech from the Chairperson of STIP Jakarta, read by Mr. Tigor Siagian, he said “This DPM program is one of the national priority programs at the Ministry of Transportation and is one of the government’s ways to improve welfare and reduce poverty and reduce unemployment by providing skills that can used by the community in getting jobs or working independently. This activity is a tangible manifestation of the presence of the government towards the needs of the community and for this reason STIP Jakarta is present in front of all the fathers. “