Wednesday (7/31), STIP attended the invitation of the Director of Financial Management in the Public Service Agency at the Meeting Room of the Directorate of PPK BLU Prijadi Praptosuhardjo Building, East Banteng Field.

Discussing the Performance Indicators of the Leader of the Public Service Agency (BLU) in 2020, the meeting was attended by the Chairperson of STIP Jakarta, Capt. Marihot Simanjuntak, MM along with several officials who are related to the BLU Leadership Contract Performance Assessment Indicator.

Changes to the Performance Assessment Indicators for 2020 are still in the process of joint discussions based on an agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service Agency under the Ministry of Transportation.

Many issues raised in the 2020 assessment, such as:
1. IKU based on outcome based not output based,
2. Research that does not produce royalties for BLU,
3. Research utility is directed at the impact and benefits for the community,
5. Synergy between BLU has not been created,
6. IKM assessment of external parties,
7. Community service criteria are not clear,
8. Service innovation,
9. BLU publications are still weak.

Please note that with the existence of the Public Service Board in each work unit, it has contributed the largest state budget to the state. It is not easy to build a BLU work unit so that it is recognized that several BLUs, especially under the Ministry of Transportation, are still not optimal and there are still many challenges that must be faced.