Jakarta 29 Juli 2019
Ministry of Transportation c.q. The Directorate General of Sea Transportation and the Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) of Transportation in collaboration with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) held training or training on law, policy and internal reform or Legal, Policy and Internal Reform (LPIR).
The training which was held for 4 (four) days, starting July 29 – August 1 2019, took place at the Jakarta College of Shipping (STIP) was officially opened by the Head of BPSDM Transportation, Ir. Umiyatun Hayati Triastuti, M.Sc., In his remarks the opening is Ka. Transportation HR Agency conveyed
“This training is intended to gain a clearer understanding of the laws and regulations, policies and internal reforms related to the implementation of the IMO maritime protection conventions which are the focus of Indonesia on the MEPSEAS activities, namely the 2004 Ballas Water Management Convention, the 2001 Anti-Barnacle System, and MARPOL Annex V related to pollution from ship waste.
At the end of his remarks he also added that after Indonesia ratified an international convention and became part of the convention, the government has an obligation to internalize the convention in its national rules. IMO through the Integrated Technical Cooperation Program helps its member countries accelerate the process of internalizing the convention into national rules and instruments in each country.
“The output of this training course is expected to help the relevant work units to formulate a draft legislation so that both conventions are effectively implemented “,
Meanwhile, the Director of Shipping and Maritime Affairs, Capt. Sudiono said that Indonesia with the Philippines, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, which are members of the Marine Environment Protection of South East Asia Seas (MEPSEAS) supported by IMO and NORAD, held the MEPSEAS project for the 4 years period 2018-2021.
Based on the results of the MEPSEAS 1st High Level Regional Meeting on June 25-27 2018 in Bali, resulted in several agreements including the establishment of a National Task Force, selection of national consultants and nominating the National Training Institute as a training forum that organizes training programs, training and workshops in within the framework of the MEPSEAS project.
“At the National Level, STIP as the National Training Institute that has been proposed to IMO will be the institution for implementing special training programs which are the scope of the MEPSEAS project, specifically for the implementation of 2 conventions, namely the Ballast Water Management Convention and the Anti Fouling System Convention,” said Capt. Sudiono.
Since the ratification of the 2014 Anti Fouling System Convention and the Water Ballast Management convention in 2014 and 2015 respectively, the Government of Indonesia has issued several implementing regulations. However, the regulation has not been implemented effectively.
Capt. Sudiono emphasized that Indonesia is fully committed to implementing IMO instruments related to the protection of the marine environment. According to him, through active involvement in the Southeast Asia Sea Environmental Protection Project or MEPSEAS, it is hoped that this convention can be implemented fully and effectively. In May 2019, the Directorate General of Sea Transportation sent 4 (four) representatives to attend training related to LPIR in Singapore and today there will be more training for people.
On the same occasion, IMO Consultant Guillame Drille said, it would fully assist the Indonesian government to be able to effectively implement various ratified conventions, especially those related to shipping safety and maritime environmental protection such as the implementation of the Anti Fouling System Convention and the Water Ballast Management convention.
“The Indonesian government has ratified the Anti Fouling System and the Water Ballast Management convention since 2014 and 2015. Through this training, we will provide support and help fully how to implement it properly,” concluded Guillame.
Also present at the occasion was Secretary of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation Arif Toha, Director of Shipping and Maritime Affairs, Capt. Sudiono, Head of the BPSDM Maritime Transportation Development Center, I Nyoman Sukayadnya, Chairperson of STIP, Capt. Marihot Simanjuntak, Head of BP3IP, Weku F Karuntu, representatives from the Ministry of Communication and Information and IMO consultants Ernesta Swanepoel and Guillame Drille.
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