Kumai, 10 December 2019
The Community Empowerment Training (DPM) is one of the flagship programs of the government of the Republic of Indonesia which aims to improve community skills by providing certified training and education.
Related to the above, STIP Jakarta as one of the educational institutions in the seafaring expertise sector, has implemented a certified DPM program and distributed a number of certificates from these activities. And one of them is a certificate for DPM participants who come from the Kumai region. Capt. Wahyu Prihanto, S.SiT, M.MTr, M.Mar, as the head of KSOP Kumai, in his speech expressed his gratitude to the Chairperson of STIP and all the committees who had worked hard so that the Kumai DPM which some time ago had been carried out could run smoothly, until with certificates distributed from these activities, consisting of 260 BST KLM certificates and SKK 60 Miles and pocket money for 28th DPM participants.
On the same occasion, representing the Principal of STIP, Ir. Robinson MM as the coordinator of the Kumai DPM team stated “The implementation of the DPM is a mandate from the state given to STIP and we represent the Chairperson of STIP Jakarta and all of the Civitas to express their gratitude to the entire community for the well-organized DPM activities especially in the Central Kalimantan region of West Kotawatingan Regency precisely in the Kumai KSOP area.
The distribution of this certificate is one of a series of parts of the DPM Program and hopefully the training and certificates that have been given can be used as a tool to improve welfare, so that a prosperous society is created for all the people of Indonesia.
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